Saturday, March 28, 2015

Three Schools of Economics

Three schools of economy ( Classical, Keynesian, Monetary)

Points of Classical school
  •  Investment (Injection)
  • AS determines output
  • Market works by it self (No government intervention)
  • Savings increase with interest rate
  • AS=AD at full employment equilibrium
  • In the LR the economy will balance at full employment (economy close to or at full employment)
  • Believe in the trickle down effect ( this is were you help the rich first and everyone else latter)
  • Prices and wages are flexible downward
Points of Keynesian school
  • Competition is flawed (AD is key not AS)
  • Demand creates its own supply
  • Savers and investors save for different reasons
  • Saving are inverse to interest rate
  • Leaks cost constant recessions and savings cause recessions
  • Ratchet effects and sticky wages block state law
  • Price/wages are inflexible downward
  • No mechanism capable of guaranteeing full employment
  • The economy is not close to or at full employment
  • Government intervention (expansionary & contractionary policies (Fiscal policy) 

Points of Monetary school
  • Fine tuning is needed, congress can't time the policy options (voters wont allow it)
  • Contractionary option
  • Easy and tight money 
  • Change the required reserves if needed
  • Buy & sell bonds in open market
  • Change in interest rate for the discount rate & federal fund rate

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