Monday, February 9, 2015


Equilibrium is a point where the supply and demand curves intercept. "All resources are being used efficiently"

  • Shortage-  QD > QS     Quantity Demanded > Quantity Supply
  • Surplus- QS > QD     Quantity Supply < Quantity Demanded
Terms :
  • Price Floor- a government imposed price limit on how low a price can be changed for a product 
  • Price Ceiling- a government imposed limit on how high a price can be charged for a product.
  • Fixed Cost- a cost that does not change no matter how many are produced.
  • Variable cost- a cost that changes.
  • Marginal Cost- a cost of producing one more unit of goods.
  • Marginal Revenue- the additional income from selling one more until of a good.

  • Total Cost: Total Fixed Cost + Total Variable Cost  &  Average Total Cost / Quantity
  • Average Fixed Cost: Total Fixed Cost / Quantity 
  • Average Variable Cost: Total Variable Cost / Quantity
  • Average Total Cost: Average Fixed Cost + Average Variable Cost  &  Average Variable Cost
  • Marginal Cost: New Total Cost - Old Total Cost 
  • Total Revenue: Price x Quantity 

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