Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Nominal and Real GDP

Nominal GDP - Value of output produced in current prices  
  • P x Q 
  • Can increase from year to year if either output or price increase 
Real GDP Value of output produced in constant or based year prices  
  • Adjusted for inflation  
  • Based Price x Quantity 
  • Can increase from year to year only if output increases  
Price index measure inflation by tracking changes in the price of a market basket of goods compared to the base year 
  • Price of market basket of goods in current year / price of market basket of goods in base year 
GDP Deflator 
  • Also a price index that is used to adjust from nominal to real GDP 
  • In the base year the GDP deflator is
      •  =100 Years after base years
      • >100 For years before the base year  
      • <100 (Nominal GDP/ Real GDP)  ×100 
    • (New GDP deflator - Old GDP deflator / Old GDP deflator) ×100 

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